Who can access speech pathology?

At Sunshine Paediatric Speech Pathology, we see children between the age of 0-6 years of age who are experiencing difficulty in either one or more areas of speech, language, social communication, literacy and mealtimes.

Do you have a waiting list?

We currently have limited capacity for appointments. Please feel free to complete an enquiry in case we have a spot that is perfect for you!

Where are you located?

We are a mobile service provider offering therapy in your child’s home or education setting. Research supports children receiving therapy in their natural environments where they can engage with the people (and toys) they spend the most time with.

How far do you travel for in-person appointments?

Based in Maroochydore, we are currently offering mobile or telehealth appointments. We have a travel radius of 30 minutes from Maroochydore.

Located further than 30 minutes? No worries, please contact us to see what will work best for you, and our availability.

What are your session fees?

The cost of your session will depend on multiple factors, including:

  • Whether you have NDIS funding

  • Whether you have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your GP which allows a Medicare rebate

  • Whether you have Private Health Insurance that covers part of the cost

  • Whether you are self-funded

Please contact us if you are unsure about any of these options.